REDD+ Country Profile and Benefit Sharing Options in Myanmar

16 - 18 Oct 2017, FRI

Cookie, a trekking guide, leads tourists on a hike from Kalaw to Inle outisde Naypydiaw. Photo by Janne Hellsten


The Centre for International Forestry (CIFOR) is undertaking a Global Comparative Study on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degradation (GCS‐REDD). This multi‐country study aims to generate knowledge and practical tools to support efforts to reduce forest emissions in ways that are effective, efficient and equitable and that generate co‐benefits such as poverty alleviation and biodiversity conservation. The research project consists of five work modules of which the first module focuses on national policies. This module consists of several components: a country profile, a media-based discourse analysis, a policy network analysis, a REDD+ policy content analysis, and a fifth flexible module for specific policy studies that respond to single country research needs.

The first component, a country profile, focuses on providing an overview of the contextual conditions that affect the REDD+ policy environment in a specific country, along with a preliminary 3E assessment of the REDD+ proposals for that country. The profile is compiled based on reviews of legislation and policies, as well as selected expert interviews. It is a collaborative work with CIFOR’s partners in civil society, government, and academia in the research countries. The country profile provides background and preliminary analysis of the context in which national REDD+ strategies are being developed.

GCS on REDD+ together with its country partners compiled profiles of 14 countries i.e. Bolivia, Brazil, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Indonesia, Laos, Mozambique, Nepal, Peru, Tanzania, Vietnam, and Papua New Guinea. In 2017, GCS-M1 and ASFCC, in partnership with FRI, has initiated the writing of a Country Profile of Myanmar. This is part of deliverable products for GCS-M1 Phase 3. A writing team under leading of an ASFCC consultant has been established and to speed up the writing process, a workshop was proposed.

Objectives of the writing-workshop:
1st writeshop will focus on REDD+ Country Profile for Myanmar (With FRI, CIFOR team, and co-authors of Country Profile)
The objectives of the workshop are:

  • to update the progress of the writing of REDD+ Country Profile for Myanmar
  • to review the initial review from CIFOR’s team and to identify the gap
  • to have agreement on the timeline of the writing and the date for the verification workshop for the document produced.

2nd writeshop will be Benefit Sharing Options in Myanmar (With CIFOR team and FRI team only)
The objective of the workshop is to start the development of document for benefit sharing option in Myanmar. This will include sharing lesson from other countries related to benefit sharing, identifying the existing mechanism and determining the indicators for the mechanism. The workshop is also to have agreement on who is going to be responsible in developing the document and setting timeline for future activity.


1st writeshop on REDD+ Country Profile for Myanmar
Day 1, 16 October 2017
08.30–08.40 Welcome speech from FRI
08.40-09.00 Participants brief introductions
09.00-09.20 Recap on Objectives and Structure of Country Profile (Moira Moeliono)
09.20-09.40 Overview on the Progress to date of Country Profile (Wai Yar)
09.40–10.00 Tea break
10.00–10.30 Questions and Answers for clarifications for the first 2 presentations
10.30–12.00 Authors of the different chapters present a review on initial reviews done by CIFOR for Country Profile and indicate thoughts on how to proceed
12.00–13.30 Lunch
13.30-15.00 Continue the review
15.00–15.30 Tea break
15.30-16.00 Continue the review
16.00–16.30 Wrap up for Day 1
Day 2, 17 October 2017
08.30–08.45 Recap for Day 1
08.45–12.00 Break out into 4 working groups that are responsible for 4 chapters to write an extended outline with support from CIFOR team
12.00–13.30 Lunch
13.30–16.00 4 groups continue writing on their chapters with support from CIFOR team
16.00–16.30 Reading or presenting each group’s product
Day 3, 18 October 2017
08.30–12.00 Each group reviews the results of another group, followed by revisions
12.00–13.30 Lunch
13.30–14.30 Continue to revise (and another round of reviews if there is time)
14.30–15.00 Tea break
15.00–16.30 Agreement on timeline, responsibilities and other action plan
16.30–16.45 Closing (FRI)

2nd writeshop on Benefit Sharing Options in Myanmar
Day 1, 19 October 2017
08.30–08.45 Welcoming remark (YKLI)
08.45-09.15 Introduction on the study objectives and expected outcomes (Cynthia M.)
09.15-09.45 Plenary discussion
09.45-10.15 Tea break
10.15–12.00 Discussion
12.00–13.30 Lunch
13.30–16.30 Discussion on study approaches adopted by FRI to carry out this study
Day 2, 20 October 2017
08.30–08.45 Recap for Day 1
08.45-12.00 Break-out group with CIFOR facilitators
12.00-13.30 Lunch
13.30-15.00 Break out group with CIFOR facilitators
15.00–16.30 Discussion on the future plan


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