A key challenge to the design and implementation of REDD+ and other strategies aimed at transforming land-use trajectories is the sheer range of actors involved in policy and implementation at multiple levels. This workshop is aimed at providing clear information and tools across a range of relevant topics to policymakers and practitioners.
An integrated, landscape-level approach is urgently needed to assess the carbon trade-offs and other effects of various – often competing – land-use decisions. The elements of functional, effective climate policies need to be integrated across levels. These include good governance, equitable benefit distribution and the assessment of strategies’ success in meeting the goals of emissions reduction, improved livelihoods and biodiversity conservation.
On May 25 and 26, 2017, as part of the ‘Climate Research to Action under Multilevel Governance: Building Knowledge and Capacity at Landscape Scale’ project, financed by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Building and Nuclear Safety (BMUB) through the International Climate Initiative (IKI), Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD), and CGIAR – FTA. CIFOR will share results on its research on processes and policies currently being worked on in Mexico as part of a National Workshop on REDD+, MRV and multilevel governance and provide training on the use of the software CarboScen.
General objective:
The objective of these events is to support decisions made by forest-related policy makers and practitioners in Mexico at all levels of governance, by providing science-based knowledge, information, analysis and new tools that contribute to effective and efficient reduction of carbon emissions with equitable impacts, as well as poverty reduction, biodiversity and livelihood benefits.
Themes to be covered:
May 25:
- Global Comparative Study on REDD+, an international view
- Multilevel governance and carbon management at landscape scale in Mexico
- The political process to develop monitoring, reporting and verifications systems (MRV) in Mexico
May 26:
- Training: Use of software CarboScen, by Markku Larjavaara y Markku Kanninen – University of Helsinki, Finland.
Agenda: MEXICO REDD+ National Workshop 25 05 2017 AGENDA
Photo gallery: here
- Gobernanza multinivel y el Sistema de Monitoreo, Reporte y Verificación (MRV) para REDD+ en México
- Un estudio comparativo global para lograr resultados efectivos, eficientes y equitativos de REDD+
- Conociendo a CIFOR
- CarboScen: Una herramienta para estimar carbono en escenarios de uso de suelo en paisajes
- Gobernanza multi-nivel y gestión del carbono a nivel de paisaje