CIFOR is organising a media briefing in Jakarta, Indonesia, on 25 August 2009.
Since the 2007 UN Climate Change Conference in Bali, CIFOR and its partners have been advancing the conference agenda by examining how new mechanisms to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from deforestation and forest degradation (REDD) can benefit forests and the people who depend on them.
CIFOR invites you to a Media Briefing on REDD in Indonesia to help you get up to speed on the latest developments in climate change, forestry and REDD. We will be launching a new website dedicated to REDD in Indonesia called REDD-I. This website has been set up by the Indonesian Environmental Information Centre (PILI) and WWF Indonesia in partnership with CIFOR. It serves as a clearinghouse for information on REDD initiatives. We are also releasing our guide to REDD schemes, Simply REDD, available in English and Indonesian.
Please join us:
When: Tuesday, 25 August, 10:00-11:30 am
Where: Jasmine room, Intercontinental Hotel, Jakarta Midplaza
Jl. Jendral Sudirman Kav. 10-11, Jakarta 10220, Indonesia
Moderator, Goenawan Mohamad
Welcome and introductions
- Dr Agus Purnomo, executive secretary, National Council on Climate Change
- Dr Nur Masripatin, technical team leader of the REDD Commission at the Ministry of Forestry
- Dr Daniel Murdiyarso, senior scientist, CIFOR
- Fitrian Ardiansyah, programme director for climate and energy, WWF Indonesia
Website briefing
- Pam E. Minnigh, executive director of the Indonesian Environmental Information Centre (PILI), will present a brief introduction to the REDD-I website