A cross-sectoral dialogue on the challenges and opportunities for the application of scientific evidence and practical knowledge in the design of forestry and agroforestry policies in Peru.
Founded in 1993 and 1978 respectively, the Centre for International Forestry Research and World Agroforestry (CIFOR and ICRAF) are centres of scientific excellence that have joined together as CIFOR-ICRAF to conduct development research that addresses the most pressing challenges facing the world’s landscapes.
The event “Forests, trees and agroforestry to address local and global challenges: CIFOR-ICRAF in Peru” aims to generate a space for dialogue on opportunities to connect science and practice in forestry and agroforestry for better policies in the country and will be held in the framework of the visit to Peru of CIFOR-ICRAF’s Managing Director and CEO Dr. Robert Nasi and CIFOR-ICRAF’s Regional Director for Latin America Dr. Vincent Gitz.
Contact details:
Yoly Gutiérrez at Y.Gutierrez@cgiar.org
Alejandra Visscher at A.Visscher@cgiar.org
Welcome and introduction by the CIFOR-ICRAF representative in Peru
Moderator: Manuel Guariguata
Presentation: Forestry and agroforestry to address five global challenges: the CIFOR-ICRAF strategy
Moderator: Robert Nasi, Managing Director of CIFOR-ICRAF
Presentation: CIFOR-ICRAF: Research, collaboration and opportunities for the forestry and agroforestry sector in Peru
Moderator: Valentina Robiglio, CIFOR-ICRAF Agroforestry Science Lead for Peru and Latin America
Cross-sectoral panel: Science and policy dialogue, with representatives from the National Forestry and Wildlife Service (SERFOR), Ministry of Environment of Peru (MINAM), Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Development (Midagri), Peruvian Society of Environmental Law (SPDA) and more.
Conclusions and closing remarks
Moderator: Vincent Gitz, CIFOR-ICRAF Director for Latin America