3*-7 October, Bilbao, Spain
Papers invited, registration open
While the world’s total area of forests is declining, plantations are increasing rapidly. This has major implications for the future of ecosystem goods and services. These implications are the subject of a major conference CIFOR is co-hosting in October 2006.
As native forests disappear or become less accessible, people are becoming more reliant on plantations for ecosystem goods and services. The Ecosystem Goods and Services from Planted Forests conference will consider:
- How far plantations substitute or augment ecosystem goods and services from native forest
- How plantations can be managed to optimise the provision of such ecosystem goods and services as habitat, clean water and non-timber forest products?
People are invited to make oral presentations and posters about the following:
- Ecosystem services from plantations
- The role of plantations in biodiversity conservation
- Plantations and rural livelihoods
- Interactions between plantations and other land uses in the landscape
- Assessment methods for ecosystem goods and services from plantations
- Design and management principles to optimize the provision of ecosystem goods and services from plantation forests
- Forest policies to enhance the provision of ecosystem goods and services from plantations
- Conversion of plantations to semi-natural forests
- Standards for sustainable plantation management
- Markets for ecosystem services from plantation forests
CIFOR will publish keynote papers in a book and selected contributions will be published in the journals ‘European Journal of Forest Research’ and ‘Land Use and Water Resources Research’
Abstracts due: 15 May 2006
Deadline for early registration: 30 June 2006
Details for submissions and registration www.waldbau.uni-freiburg.de/bilbao.html
Part of a larger congress on the Role of Planted Forests in Sustainable Development, the conference is sponsored by the Economic Cross Cultural Programme between the EU and India, IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organisations), CIFOR and IUCN (The World Conservation Union). It is organised by the NETFOP project (Networking Forest Plantations in a Crowded World) through the Institute of Silviculture at Freiburg University and the European Institute of Cultivated Forests (IEFC – project centre of the European Forest Institute)
- Please note: the event will now start on October 3 not October 4