Crawford Fund Conference – Biofuels, Energy and Agriculture. August 15, 2007

15 Aug 2007,

The Australian Crawford Fund’s 2007 annual conference on 15 August in Parliament House, Canberra, will examine whether biofuels enhance or undermine food security. Titled "Biofuels, Energy and Agriculture – Powering Towards or Away From Food Security?" the conference will be opened by The Hon Alexander Downer, Australia’s Minister for Foreign Affairs, and feature keynote addresses by Dr Joachim Von Braun, Director General of the International Food Policy Research Institute and Lord Ron Oxburgh, Member of the UK House of Lords and Chair of D1 Oils and former Chair of Shell UK.

Speakers include experts from Brazil and India who will talk about biofuels in their respective countries. Australian speakers include Dr Steve Schuck, Manager of Bioenergy Australia; Dr John Wright, Director of CSIRO’s Energy Transformed Flagship Program, and Mr Peter Core, Director of the Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research.

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