Buenos Aires, Argentina, 18-25 October 2009
Side events | |
Monday, 19 Oct 12.45–14.15 |
Presentation and roundtable discussion Forests, human health and well-being: Findings of IUFRO’s recent science initiatives IUFRO Task Forces: Forests and Human Health, Traditional Forest Knowledge, Improving the Lives of People in Forests Panelist: Peter Cronkleton http://www.cfm2009.org/en/subseccion.asp?IdSeccion=138&IdSubseccion=360 |
Tuesday, 20 Oct 18:30–20:30 Yellow Pavilion |
Workshop Managing forests in REDD: Linking sustainable forest management and forest degradation Organisers: CIFOR, ONF International and CATIE Contact person: Markku Kanninen |
Thursday, 22 Oct 18.30–20.30 |
Presentation Poverty Environment Network: Assessing the role of tropical forests in poverty alleviation Organiser: Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Contact person: Sven Wunder http://www.cfm2009.org/en/subseccion.asp?IdSeccion=138&IdSubseccion=359 |
Strategies to strengthen capacity building of research and higher education in tropical forestry in post conflict situations Organisers: CIFOR, EU and University of Kisangani Contact person: Robert Nasi Moderator: Cyrie Sendashonga |
Roundtable discussion Local governance for pro-poor smallholder development in the Amazon Organisers: The Amazon Initiative Consortium, CIFOR, the Albert-Ludwigs Universisty Freiburg, International Fund for Agricultural Development, Humboldt University of Berlin, University of Freiburg http://cfm2009.org/en/subseccion.asp?IdSeccion=138&IdSubseccion=333 |
Presentation Biodiversity in forest landscapes: partnerships for conservation and sustainable communities Organisers: International Model Forest Network Secretariat, Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service Panelist: Terry Sunderland |
Presentation Sustainable forest management at the Global Environment Facility: The new SFM Strategy for GEF-5 (2011-2014) Organiser: Global Environment Facility (GEF) Panelists: Markku Kanninen and Louis Verchot http://www.cfm2009.org/en/subseccion.asp?IdSeccion=138&IdSubseccion=413 |
Book launches | |
Monday, 19 Oct 12.45–14.15 |
Forests for people: Community rights and forest tenure reform Edited by Anne Larson, Deborah Barry, Ganga Ram Dahal and Carol J. Pierce Colfer. Published by CIFOR and Earthscan, Bogor and London Panelist: Peter Cronkleton http://www.cfm2009.org/es/subseccion.asp?IdSeccion=111&IdSubseccion=360 |
IUCN Environmental Law Centre event: RBA book launch Rights-based approaches to conservation: Presentation of complementary tools Panelist: Terry Sunderland |