13th World Forestry Congress

18 - 25 Oct 2009,

18- 25 October 2009. Buenos Aires – Argentina

The 13th World Forestry Congress, which will be held in Buenos Aires, Argentina, from 18-25 October 2009, is being organized by the Government of Argentina in collaboration with the FAO Forestry Department.

The main objective of the Congress is to provide a forum for the exchange of personal experiences and for discussions on topics related to forestry activities, involving professionals and other interested people from all over the world. Approximately 6,000 participants from more than 160 countries are expected. Activities at the congress will include conferences, round-table discussions, poster presentations, parallel events, exhibits, study and technical tours. All will focus on subjects related to the main subject theme of the WFC: “Forests in development – a vital balance”.

Both the Congress and the related International Forestry Exhibition will take place in “La Rural” exhibition centre, one of the most important of its kind in all of Latin America.

In the fortnight following the Congress, a wide range of tourist and technical tours will be offered in order to allow participants to visit the fascinating landscapes and natural environments of Argentina.

The first call for voluntary papers and posters will be carried out in October 2007.

You are cordially invited to visit the 13th World Forestry Congress 2009 official web page: www.wfc2009.org. Given the global relevance of this congress, we would be thankful for your collaboration in forwarding our webpage to your friends, peers or professional organizations, in order to alert as many interested people as possible to this important event.

If you are interested in receiving further information from us, please complete the following contact form.

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